Saturday, December 21, 2013

And So It Begins...

I am the proud mom to two amazing children...Hayden, age 3.5 and Sophie, age 22 months.

My husband and I made the decision to homeschool when Hayden was still an infant.  Although we haven't been following any formal preschool curriculum up to this point, Hayden knew all the letters of the alphabet before he could talk.  Now, at the age of 3.5, his natural desire to learn has helped him read at a 1st grade level, count like nobody's business, and memorize things like the planets and their moons, songs, names of dinosaurs, and the pledge of allegiance just to name a few.  Sophie is busy, busy learning about her world and trying to keep up with her brother.

I never imagined that I would be planning a preschool curriculum.  I thought we would be going about our business learning casually at least until Hayden turned 5, but the learning pace that he has set is crying out for more structure and organization.

It is already challenging to keep both children engaged at the same time.  I know all of you with two or more children face the same challenges as well.  Hopefully, a little organization and planning will go a long way.  This blog will be focused on the adventures we take along the way.  Whether you homeschool as well or are just looking for some ideas to keep your toddlers and preschoolers engaged, I hope you'll join us!

First up, converting the playroom to a schoolroom.  And so it begins...

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